Reduce Wrinkles | Natural Ways to reduce Facial Lines

carrot oilMost people create more lines and wrinkles on their face as they age.

Some people are happy to live with their wrinkles or “wisdom” lines, while others attempt to correct them artificially, sometimes with unfortunate results. With the stresses of modern living, lifestyle choices and environmental issues, even people in their 20’s are already beginning to find lines and wrinkles on their faces.

As we grow older, the aging process gradually accelerates and wrinkles can become more obvious. People generally wait until the wrinkles already appear before getting concerned about how to minimize them, and then turn to using skin cream religiously as part of their daily routine. Continue reading Reduce Wrinkles | Natural Ways to reduce Facial Lines

Best Anti Aging Cream and Anti Oxidants by Purestuf

best anti agingOne of the best anti aging techniques for everyone is to look for the inclusion of anti oxidants based ingredients in both your skincare and your food.

Yes, skincare as well as food. Remember that the skin is the largest organ in the body. I include anti oxidants ingredients in my products to create some of the best anti aging cream available today.

Antioxidants have been shown to have significant health benefits, particularly to the aging body. Continue reading Best Anti Aging Cream and Anti Oxidants by Purestuf

Purestuf Natural Skincare @ Solar Springs Health Retreat Bundanoon

I recently delivepurestuf @ solar springsred another wonderful order of Purestuf Natural Skincare Retail and Therapists Products to Solar Springs Health Retreat at Bundanoon in the Southern Highlands of NSW, just south of Sydney ( )

This is the wonderful place where I conceived the idea of my skincare range over 15 years ago, to help my gorgeous husbands cracked lips (kissable lip balm was the first product created – click here for the full story – “the kiss”). I have since created over 50 organic natural skin care products for retail customers as well as beauty therapists, health retreats like Solar Springs and Spas. Continue reading Purestuf Natural Skincare @ Solar Springs Health Retreat Bundanoon

Anti Aging Ingredient – Neroli Essential Oil in Bliss Night Cream

Neroli essential oil comes from the flowers of Bitter Orange blossoms and has wonderful healing and anti aging characteristics. It features a rich brown color and  a bitter sweet smell. Ancient princesses utilized this oil to prepare themselves for the bliss of special occasions like their weddings.

This essential oil is not only beneficial for all skin types, but aids in the remedy broken capillaries and at same time stimulates cell regeneration and growth. This in turn leads to a clearer, and more rejuvenated skin. Purestuf’s Bliss Night Cream includes Organic Neroli Essential Oil to aid in the deep night time healing of your skin.
Continue reading Anti Aging Ingredient – Neroli Essential Oil in Bliss Night Cream

Healthy Living Tip: Wellness is Wealth or Abundance in Life

Beautiful girl surrounded by rose petals.

Wellness is wealth as the saying goes. Your wealth or abundance depends upon your healthy wellness or wellbeing.  It is difficult to create a wealthy or abundant lifestyle when you are ill.

The only person who can really create  a healthy lifestyle is you. So what are some simple guidelines to create wellness and a healthful lifestyle which will give you the opportunity to create a wealthy and abundant lifestyle? Continue reading Healthy Living Tip: Wellness is Wealth or Abundance in Life

Lemons are an Anti Aging Wonder Tonic and More

Lemons are an Anti Aging Wonder Tonic and another natural way for you to defy aging, as well as to keep our skin healthy and glowing.lemon

Regarded by Romans as an antidote for several toxic compounds, lemons are extremely abundant in minerals and vitamins – which include B1, B2, B3, Carotene (pro-vitamin A) and also vitamin C.

From years of experience, a hot lemon drink in  the morning helps to cleanse my body and keep me healthy. Recent studies have shown it can also assist with healing many ailments as outlined in this articleContinue reading Lemons are an Anti Aging Wonder Tonic and More

Finding My Truth by Chrissy Birdsall – Purestuf Skin care

I have spent a lot of my time searching for the intrepid TRUTH.

I started about 22.

I asked anyone who would listen, even if it was not a burning interest to them.

I read philosophy; studied spiritual masters; the more ascended the better.

I followed Gurus, wise men and wise women.

I even read Ouspensky and Gurdjieff:  People told me I should not attempt to read these until I was 50.

I never really got THE TRUTH convincingly here; enjoyed what they all said; took it all on, as if it could be real for me for a while, maybe it was truth for them?

I did past life regressions; in case I knew the truth in the past life and had forgotten it in this life.

I did yoga; maybe it was a body, mind, spirit thing, and meditated.

I was hoping THE TRUTH would seep in.
Continue reading Finding My Truth by Chrissy Birdsall – Purestuf Skin care

Beauty is an Inside Job – Beyond the External

Beauty is so much more than your external beauty. The following article outlines why beauty is an inside job when you consider the beauty of wisdom, laughter, gratitude, hugging, allowing love and enjoying your inner child.

Beauty of Wisdom

Thinking about wisdom and what it really means.

How does Wisdom differ from Intelligence?

It’s not fact gathering, learned knowledge or experience.

Wisdom has moved past the struggle of learning and into a wellspring of inner knowing. Continue reading Beauty is an Inside Job – Beyond the External

Your Authentic Beauty

Do you see your unique and authentic beauty?

Do you acknowledge your personal style, look, energy and glow?

The beauty that makes us the special person we are. Others can see it, we often struggle to see it. Most of us do not see our vibrant essence or our authentic beauty.

Mostly we compare our look to another, forgetting apples are different from oranges; both delicious in there own way.

Do we ever quite measure up to our own expectations of what we consider authentic beauty really is?
Continue reading Your Authentic Beauty


Organic Skin Care products can give the skin many natural benefits.

The skin is the largest organ on the human body, and unlike other internal organs, it is directly exposed to the external environment which can sometimes be harsh and damaging. Anyone who has spent time in the sun can relate to the potential damage which can be caused if it is not taken care of. The damage over time can have many impacts including in the extreme skin cancers or spots or more generally a dry or dull look to it.

With a dry or dull-looking skin, your self-esteem may be lowered, particularly with your daily morning look into the mirror before you start your day.

However on the other hand, if you look after your skin with the right organic skin care products; your skin can be a source of beauty that you will always feel confident when you are meeting and seeing other people.

Skin Care Choices

Not only should you look for organic skin care products that will improve your skin, but you should look for the ones that care for the health of that skin. You would not want a product that is full of chemicals which may not be compatible with the natural make up of your skin. Continue reading THE BENEFITS OF ORGANIC SKIN CARE PRODUCTS