Category Archives: Beauty

Finding My Truth by Chrissy Birdsall – Purestuf Skin care

I have spent a lot of my time searching for the intrepid TRUTH.

I started about 22.

I asked anyone who would listen, even if it was not a burning interest to them.

I read philosophy; studied spiritual masters; the more ascended the better.

I followed Gurus, wise men and wise women.

I even read Ouspensky and Gurdjieff:  People told me I should not attempt to read these until I was 50.

I never really got THE TRUTH convincingly here; enjoyed what they all said; took it all on, as if it could be real for me for a while, maybe it was truth for them?

I did past life regressions; in case I knew the truth in the past life and had forgotten it in this life.

I did yoga; maybe it was a body, mind, spirit thing, and meditated.

I was hoping THE TRUTH would seep in.
Continue reading Finding My Truth by Chrissy Birdsall – Purestuf Skin care

Beauty is an Inside Job – Beyond the External

Beauty is so much more than your external beauty. The following article outlines why beauty is an inside job when you consider the beauty of wisdom, laughter, gratitude, hugging, allowing love and enjoying your inner child.

Beauty of Wisdom

Thinking about wisdom and what it really means.

How does Wisdom differ from Intelligence?

It’s not fact gathering, learned knowledge or experience.

Wisdom has moved past the struggle of learning and into a wellspring of inner knowing. Continue reading Beauty is an Inside Job – Beyond the External

Your Authentic Beauty

Do you see your unique and authentic beauty?

Do you acknowledge your personal style, look, energy and glow?

The beauty that makes us the special person we are. Others can see it, we often struggle to see it. Most of us do not see our vibrant essence or our authentic beauty.

Mostly we compare our look to another, forgetting apples are different from oranges; both delicious in there own way.

Do we ever quite measure up to our own expectations of what we consider authentic beauty really is?
Continue reading Your Authentic Beauty

Using Purestuf Amazing Skin Care is Incredibly Visible

amazing skin careWe receive many testimonials on our products and love it when clients find our amazing skin care products. It is wonderful when clients really see the difference in their skin and reminds us of our original slogan about trying Purestuf skin care and that “Your Skin will Know the Difference”. 15 years on, and we continually get emails from clients who can really see the difference in their skin after using our products even for a short time. Continue reading Using Purestuf Amazing Skin Care is Incredibly Visible

Do You See Your True Beauty?

Woman wit her eyes closed under the wind.

Do you really see your true beauty?

The beauty that makes you the special person you are.

Others can see it, we often struggle to see it.

Mostly we compare our look to another, forgetting apples are different from oranges; both delicious in there own way.

What would it take to start to see yourself as beautiful just as you are? And could you truly trust your beauty, as you would a loved and treasured daughters’ beauty.

What if you could totally accept yourself as you are now? Continue reading Do You See Your True Beauty?