Category Archives: Anti Aging

Purestuf Packaging Options – Jar or Bottle with Pump or Flip Top – Your Choice

One of the delightful things about custom making our products is that not only can we make products to suit each clients special requests, we can also package all our products in different ways.

Although our website shows products supplied in various containers we can adapt each product to any of our 3 package options.
For example Pure One is shown in a bottle with a pump.

However we have offered the option to supply Pure One and some other products like Mermaid with a flip top for some years now.

Interestingly, in the last year or so, some clients have asked for Pure One to be supplied in a “Jar” with a screw top just like many of our Goddess face products

Goddess Face Cream in a Jar with Screw Top

If you have a preference to have any Purestuf Product packaged in a different way to the way it is displayed on the website, just note it on your order, email Chrissy at [email protected] or call her on 0402 791 273

Anti Aging Lifestyle Tips which Really Make a Difference

anti aging lifestyleAnti Aging Lifestyle is one  of the hottest ideas being widely adopted by the baby boom generation. People living a healthy anti aging lifestyle are  living active lives, well into their 90’s. Even 20 years ago, being over 70 and being active was not very common.

One of the key themes for me, and many of my friends and clients as we get older, is to understand and practice the best anti aging lifestyle techniques that are easily available to everyone on a daily basis.

I have found that using my Purestuf anti aging skin care products is just one part of the whole equation. Continue reading Anti Aging Lifestyle Tips which Really Make a Difference

Acne Treatment Products Made with Love by Purestuf

Acne Treatment Products complement the wide range of anti aging products made with love by Chrissy Birdsall under the name, Purestuf Natural Skincare, in her Bowral Studio.

chrissy birdsall purestuf natural skin care acneChrissy has found throughout her many years of using beauty products, that no matter what your skin condition, the most effective products are ones, which are based on nature and which use the best natural and organic ingredients. This applies especially for specific skin conditions like acne.

For most people the problems of teenage acne will disappear as they get older, but this is not always the case. There are large numbers of adults who suffer from acne, and this can be very distressing to live with.

Natural acne treatment products and creams work by removing the stickiness in the cell that causes the discarded cells to remain trapped. By allowing those cells to be freely exfoliated there is no build up of sebum and a reduction in the incidence of bacteria build up. Continue reading Acne Treatment Products Made with Love by Purestuf

Rose Essential Oil For Anti-Aging in Your Skin care

rose essential oil and petalsRose essential oil is added to organic skincare products to assist in the anti aging process for your skin. As you age, your skin has a tendency to create fine lines, wrinkles and stretch marks.

In skin care terms,  your skin elastin and collagen start to break down as you age. This leads to some reduction of the elasticity of skin epidermis creating the possibility of fine lines,  wrinkles and stretchmarks.

Essential Oils have been shown to be valuable anti aging agents as they act as inhibitors to the breakdown of your skin elastin and collagen.
Continue reading Rose Essential Oil For Anti-Aging in Your Skin care

Aging Skin – How to Prevent your skin Aging too Quickly

chrissy birdsall purestuf natural skin careAging happens to all of us and the most notable place is our skin. You may not be able to stop your skin from aging, but you can  prevent your skin from aging too quickly.

Dermatologists say that wrinkles, sagging, age spots and comparable complications are triggered largely by free radical damage.

One reason for this free radical damage is a lack of antioxidants in our diet (and skin care) may allow free radicals, to cause aging in our skin – see this article for more info

Continue reading Aging Skin – How to Prevent your skin Aging too Quickly

Carrots Are Not Only For The Kitchen, But Also For The Skin

carrot oil

You have read it right. We mainly use carrots as food, however do you know that carrot oil can also be good as a night time and day anti aging skin treatment and is used in  a number of Purestuf Natural Skincare Products.

Carrot oil is a golden colored extract from carrots. It contains oil soluble carotenoids that deeply penetrate and heal the skin. Carotenoids are easily assimilated antioxidants that are plentiful in carrots.

Continue reading Carrots Are Not Only For The Kitchen, But Also For The Skin

Peppermint Oil, Natures Offer To Help Anti Aging

Peppermint Oil is one of the many ingredients used to create anti aging skincare products.

Ageing is not an ailment or a sickness which must be cured. In fact it is merely a way of existence. What you may need to take care of are the issues you may get as you age. It is often mind over matter, and getting your beliefs and thinking aligned to your age.

Aging has many wonderful benefits including a gathering of all your experiences and wisdom, and applying them in everything that you do. By using anti aging skincare products you are acknowledging the process and enjoying the benefits of your maturity and the natural environment around you. Continue reading Peppermint Oil, Natures Offer To Help Anti Aging

Cucumber Extracts Contain Anti Aging Properties

Cucumber is well known as a wonderful addition to a garden salad. Sometimes it is seen in movies as an eye treatment for a movie star with tired eyes. However this subtle “movie star” link to the therapeutic benefits in general skin and eye care products is less well understood.

Cucumber In Skin Care

Extracts from cucumber can be used to create an organic herbal mix that will firm your skin and make it look fresher. The mixture of the properties of cucumber extract, when combined with other ingredients like vitamin E and organic oils like macadamia, sweet almond and coconut, help repair damaged or tired skin and assist in moisturizing the skin around your eyes. These natural and organic ingredients deeply nourish the skin and assist in sustaining the skin’s vitality.
Cucumber based ingredients also create a soothing effect on your skin, enriching your skin’s moisture and reducing wrinkles. Continue reading Cucumber Extracts Contain Anti Aging Properties

Baby Boomers, Anti Aging and Natural Skin Care Products

One of the big topics for the generation known as the “baby boomers” is anti aging.

People born in the Post World War 2 period (between 1946 and 1964) won’t retire at a fixed age, the way previous generations have done. Due to significant improvements in health care and healthier living styles baby boomers will retire fully at much later ages, even if they retire from their main occupations at similar and sometimes earlier ages than their parents, as they will continue to be very active members of both the workplace and volunteer organisations.anti aging

They are generally conscious of living a healthy lifestyle, eating high quality or organic foods, and using natural skin care products. Their average life expectancy is now in their 80’s compared to previous generations in their 70’s. Continue reading Baby Boomers, Anti Aging and Natural Skin Care Products

Best Anti Aging Cream and Anti Oxidants by Purestuf

best anti agingOne of the best anti aging techniques for everyone is to look for the inclusion of anti oxidants based ingredients in both your skincare and your food.

Yes, skincare as well as food. Remember that the skin is the largest organ in the body. I include anti oxidants ingredients in my products to create some of the best anti aging cream available today.

Antioxidants have been shown to have significant health benefits, particularly to the aging body. Continue reading Best Anti Aging Cream and Anti Oxidants by Purestuf